Translations for NZ Immigration

Effective 17 June 2024, all applicants for a New Zealand visitor visa must provide certified English translations of any supporting documents not originally in English. This update is crucial for ensuring that applications are processed efficiently and accurately, as it allows Immigration New Zealand to review documents without the delays that can occur when translations are not provided.

For residence visa applications, any supporting documents not in English must be translated. Previously, applicants may provide English translations of medical and police certificates only that were not in English. 

All other visa types – Applicants must provide the NZ immigration authority with certified English translations of all medical and police certificates. This includes police certificates that record no convictions.

What Documents Need Translation?

For visitor visa applications, any non-English documents that are part of your supporting materials must be translated. Common examples include:

The goal is to ensure that all necessary information is easily accessible to the immigration officers reviewing your application.

Who Can Translate Your Documents?

Translations must be completed by a reputable or recognised translation service. Immigration New Zealand does not accept translations done by the applicant, their family members, or their immigration advisers.

Benefits of Using NAATI-Certified Translation Services

By choosing Sydney Translation Services for your document translations, you ensure that:

  • Compliance: Your translations meet the stringent criteria set by New Zealand Immigration, avoiding unnecessary delays.
  • Recognition: NAATI-certified translations are recognised and trusted by New Zealand authorities. The translations are also bear the letterhead and representation from an established translation services company specialised in migration document translations.

How to Submit Your Translated Documents

When submitting your visa application, you will need to provide both the original document in its foreign language and the certified English translation. Ensure that these documents are clear, legible, and properly scanned if applying online.

Why This Change?

This update aims to streamline the processing of visa applications by ensuring that all supporting documents are readily understood by immigration officers. Providing accurate translations reduces the likelihood of delays and increases the chances of a successful application.